The Hun Mineral Processing Ltd.


The Hun Mineral Processing Ltd.

  • 1143 BUDAPEST, BOCSKAI str. 177.
  • Tax no.: 23596515-2-42
  • Executive Director: Varga István (
  • reg. no.: 01-09-179269
  • Bank: 14100086-20394449-01000002
  • Tel: +36-30/65-31-673
  • Tel: +36-20/45-47-171


István Varga Certified Engineer-Economist Executive Director

Edit Lőrinc Vargáné dr. certified economist, economic director

András Rádi economic consultant

György Törő cert. mining engineer, expert

László Bálint Máté dr. legal counsel

The HUN ÁSVÁNYFELDOLGOZÓ KFT. (The Hun Mineral Processing Ltd.) purchased Rudabánya HRSZ 099/1 10 hectar in 2015. and leased the owners from the cca. 6 hectar. HRSZ 099/2 real estate with about 5,000,000 tons of Baritmix self-compacting, heavy-duty concrete concrete material are stored in on behalf of 12 owners. Developed since 1998, R & D & I developments have developed the Baritmix® product line with heavyweight 2.850 kg / m3 body weight, the super heavyweight / m3 body weight formula exclusively from Rudabánya. The development engineers have developed a heavy plaster product that can lead to the construction of very expensive lead casing by exterior and interior plastering of rooms with radiation sources. The equivalent of the plaster radiation radiation protection capability of plaster thickness was confirmed by several ANTSZ (National Public Health and Medical Officer Service) tests. Our products are suitable for the use of heavy concrete and super heavy concrete for the nuclear power industry.

Magnetite Separation from BARITMIX-I 2020.11.04.

Magnetite Separation from BARITMIX-I 20201104.pdf

SP Rudabánya Extended Teaser 2020.09.09.

SP_Rudabánya_Extended Teaser_20200910




Gorham & Partners Investment Plan 2012 July eng

Gorham & Partners Investment Plan 2012 July eng.pdf

Certificate of Appraisal Rudabánya

Certificate of Appraisal Rudabanya.pdf

Recipes and prices

3.380 kg/m3 Super Heavy Concrete Materials and Recipes

3.380kg/m3 Super Heavy Concrete Materials and Recipes

3.800 kg/m3 Super Heavy Concrete Materials and Recipes

3.800 kg/m3 Super Heavy Concrete Materials and Recipes

2.600 kg/m3 Heavy Concrete Materials and Recipes

2.600 kg/m3 Heavy Concrete Materials and Recipes


Baritmix english 1. page Baritmix english 2. page Baritmix english 3. page Baritmix english 4. page Baritmix english 5. page Baritmix english chemical ingredients


Atomex 2017 Conference

Atomex 2017 Conference presentation PDF
Atomex 2017 Conference presentation PPT
Baritmix-product ray protective, heavy concrete base material Atomex 2017

Pictures from conference

Atomex 2017 Konferencia fénykép
Atomex 2017 Konferencia fénykép
Atomex 2017 Konferencia fénykép
Atomex 2017 Konferencia fénykép
Atomex 2017 Konferencia fénykép

Research, Development and Innovation

Baritmix product family


Technical and Economical University Budapest Dr. Attila Aszódi Investigation on the absorbing features of the samples made of concrete
Baritmix I. SGS report
Data sheets of the raw material of heavy concrete called BARITMIX-1
Data sheets of BARITMIX-1 (short)
Data sheets of MULTISOOL® Zeolite ground material
Data sheets of MULTISOOL® Rhyolitic tuff ground material
Data sheets of “agglo-ore”, a ground material with high content of iron
Data sheets of ground material containing iron
Data sheets of ground material containing dolomite and calcite
New hungarian development radiaton protective heavy concrete
Self-compacting concrete made with BARITMIX-1 additive
Baritmix-I heavy concrete with aggregate
